Thank you for your interest in Traxler & Tong, Inc.'s risk management and insurance due-diligence services. Since 1987, T&T has provided independent risk management consulting and services to some of the largest financial institutions in the country. Our experience enables us to offer efficient, turn-key due-diligence services to a growing group of lenders and investors who require the highest level of insurance reviews for their tax equity, mortgage and real estate investment transactions. Unlike the majority of risk management firms owned or operated by insurance brokers or agencies, we are a pure consultancy, representing the interests of our clients alone. Our opinions and operations are independent of the needs of selling an insurance product, and our fees are not supplemented by hidden commissions or agreements with insurers. Thus we are driven only by our responsibilities to our clients and the needs of our clients.
Our company is rooted in the banking and financial services sector; the principal team members managing our accounts have a combined 50+ years experience in banking, risk management and insurance. Through this experience we have created the finest system of expert, beyond-the-checklist due-diligence review, while simultaneously creating efficiencies in our methods. We believe our services are superior to any offered today, and are backed by an incomparable breadth of experience and practical knowledge.
Traxler & Tong, is committed to keeping up with changing technologies in order to manage, store and track our client’s data. Sophisticated databases are designed for the particular needs of each client enabling T&T to track the assets in each client’s portfolio and conduct timely insurance renewals, and allow for reporting of details both past and present.
Prior to a transaction’s closing, T&T issues a review package for each transaction tailored to the needs of each client, confirming all required coverage specifications, and noting any exceptions. The review package will also contain the final certificates provided to us and will include any invoices to be paid at closing for outstanding insurance premiums.
Offering superior due-diligence for lenders and investors alike. We work as a pure consultancy, with only your interests in mind.